Capsaicin is the component in chillies that produces the sensation of heat. This heat of chilli peppers is measured using the Scoville Scale. The concentraion of the capsaicinoids is denoted by the Scoville Heat Units (SHU) which measure the heat level.
The Original
Heat Level - Medium Spicy
We've got it at a 4/10 level of spice. It's an easy selection for people with low spice tolerance and anyone who likes great flavour. Just a little sweet, just a little spicy, it's well-rounded and loved by kids and grandparents alike - extremely family friendly and suitable for all. Given its heat level, it's a worthy replacement (and frankly big improvement) for every ketchup user.
Kantha Bomb
Heat Level - Spicy
We've got the Kantha Bomb at a 6/10 spice level. It's perfect for people who enjoy a little spice. It's got a little bit of a kick so can be avoided for those very averse to spice, but for most people, this should be well within their manageable range. It's the perfect pairing with The Original to take on all of your kitchen and dining table needs. Did we mention the bomb flavour?
Smoky Bhoot
Heat Level - X-tra Spicy
We've got the Smoky Bhoot at an 8/10 spice level. It's perfect for people who love spicy food, and anyone who enjoys fiery flavours while also experiencing 'the bhoot effect'. It's actually a toned down version of the Bhut Jolokia chilli, so pepper fanatics might feel it could be spicier (and trust us, it really can), but we wanted to focus on an accessible experience for food explorers here. Regardless, please be warned, it is still very spicy.
There is no evidence that eating too much chilli is unhealthy, or that it causes ulcers. In fact, capsaicin is used in anti-inflammatory creams to treat ailments like arthritis and shingles. Meanwhile, their ability to create heat within the body has also linked the peppers to weight loss as well as lowering the risk of type II diabetes.
While chillies should not be considered as the only source of nutrition, they do have some additional benefits that can be good for you:
Vitamin C - Chili peppers are very high in this powerful antioxidant, which is important for wound healing and immune function.Vitamin B6 - A family of B vitamins, B6 plays a role in energy metabolism.
Vitamin K1 - Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K1 is essential for blood clotting and healthy bones and kidneys.
Potassium- An essential dietary mineral that serves a variety of functions, potassium may reduce your risk of heart disease when consumed in adequate amounts.
Copper - Often lacking in the Western diet, copper is an essential trace element, important for strong bones and healthy neurons.
Vitamin A - Red chili peppers are high in beta carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A.
Contrary to your natural first reaction, water does not hep to reduce heat inf you burn your mouth with chilli because capsaicin (the component in chillies that produces the sensation of heat) is not soluble in water.
Not exactly (but the analogy is a good one), but it’s like trying to wash away grease with water.
Fats however work much better – and that means drinking milk, eating yoghurt, ice cream or even peanut butter is likely to help you much faster than water will.
Currently, our hot sauces have a shelf-life of 12 months. We’re confident it will last longer, but it’s best to keep a 12-month period in mind. We have a pretty strong feeling that you’ll finish it far before the “Best By” date stamped on the bottle.
Important to note: 12 months from the manufacturing date is the 'shelf-life'. However, we recommend consuming your bottle within 2 months of opening. In order to maintain and extend freshness (while it is not necessary), we recommend refrigerating the product after opening.
It’s very easy really. Just keep it in a cool, dry place at room temperature and your sauce will be just fine! However, if you prefer to keep it refrigerated, that’s perfectly fine too!
Important to note: 12 months from the manufacturing date is the 'shelf-life'. However, we recommend consuming your bottle within 2 months of opening. In order to maintain and extend freshness (while it is not necessary), we recommend refrigerating the product after opening.
Yes, Naagin sauces are made out of only high-quality real vegetables and do not have any dairy products in them. So that makes us 100% vegan!
Our sauces fit perfectly in a vegetarian, as well as vegan diet.
Yes, Naagin sauces are made out of only high-quality real vegetables. We don’t cut corners or costs. We just cut and blend real, fresh ingredients. It's 100% vegetarian so you can consume with confidence!
Our sauces fit perfectly in a vegetarian, as well as vegan diet.
You can use naagin hot sauce in any way you like. Dip or pour when using as a condiment, cook and use as a tastemaker (or taste fixer) in your favourite cooking recipes and marinate if you’re all about that flavour soaking into your pre-cooking food preparation.
Check out our website www.naaginsauce.com for fiery recipes, inspiration and a lot more. For any specific ideas, we would love for you to reach out to us directly or feel free to ask fellow Naagin sauce consumers as well! The Naagin Community has opened our eyes to so many use cases and they are our best source of inspiration and feedback!
But here's a rule of thumb:
As a Condiment: If you can dip it, you can Naagin it.
As a Cooking Sauce: If you need taste or heat, you can Naagin it.
The Original is the easy answer for you. It features Sankeshwari chillies, done the right way! Only the freshest ones are used for this sauce. It’s the mildest of our sauces, but comes packing a rich flavor and gentle heat. The Original is the ideal accompaniment to a wide variety of foods – samosas, pakodas, fries, burgers, momos, hot dogs, idlis, dosas and much, much more!
However, if you do eat a little, you could try the Kantha Bomb as well. It's a level up in spice from The Original, but has a very different flavour profile and might still work for you.
The Original
Heat Level - Medium Spicy
We've got it at a 4/10 level of spice. It's an easy selection for people with low spice tolerance and anyone who likes great flavour. Just a little sweet, just a little spicy, it's well-rounded and loved by kids and grandparents alike - extremely family friendly and suitable for all. Given its heat level, it's a worthy replacement (and frankly big improvement) for every ketchup user.
Kantha Bomb
Heat Level - Spicy
We've got the Kantha Bomb at a 6/10 spice level. It's perfect for people who enjoy a little spice. It's got a little bit of a kick so can be avoided for those very averse to spice, but for most people, this should be well within their manageable range. It's the perfect pairing with The Original to take on all of your kitchen and dining table needs. Did we mention the bomb flavour?
Smoky Bhoot
Heat Level - X-tra Spicy
We've got the Smoky Bhoot at an 8/10 spice level. It's perfect for people who love spicy food, and anyone who enjoys fiery flavours while also experiencing 'the bhoot effect'. It's actually a toned down version of the Bhut Jolokia chilli, so pepper fanatics might feel it could be spicier (and trust us, it really can), but we wanted to focus on an accessible experience for food explorers here. Regardless, please be warned, it is still very spicy.
India is the largest consumer and exporter of spices, yet on the global scale, while India is renowned for spicy food, we didn't have a hot sauce brand worthy of that reputation. We felt it was time someone changed that.
Naagin sauces are the first ever truly 'Indian' hot sauces brought to you by Naagin. While there were Indian companies that made hot sauce before us, nobody has ever truly made an ‘Indian hot sauce’. Our sauces are made in India, using premium handpicked Indian chillies, sourced from around the country and designed specifically for the Indian taste palate. That's as Indian as it gets.
Now available in USA, UAE, Singapore & Hong Kong, Naagin is growing with a mission to put Indian chillies on the map.
Smoky Bhoot
Heat Level - X-tra Spicy
We've got the Smoky Bhoot at an 8/10 spice level. It's perfect for people who love spicy food, and anyone who enjoys fiery flavours while also experiencing 'the bhoot effect'. It's actually a toned down version of the Bhut Jolokia chilli, so pepper fanatics might feel it could be spicier (and trust us, it really can), but we wanted to focus on an accessible experience for food explorers here.
The Smoky Bhoot sauce was created to give you the bhut jolokia experience in a way that you can enjoy. It’s got a unique, delicious smoky flavour - so it’s not all fire. That said, no real bhut jolokia experience could ever be mild and even in smaller quantities, the Smoky Bhoot still packs a punch.
For those who don't know already, the Bhut Jolokia chilli (also knowna as the Ghost Pepper) is one of the spiciest chilies in the world - it is widely credited with starting the worldwide hot sauce craze, bringing hot sauce to the mainstream.
Why does it pack a punch? The chilli measures over 1,000,000 SHU on the Scoville Heat Scale. In case you wanted to know, that's 130 times spicier than a jalapeno.
We’ve got a lot of good reasons for the name, but suffice to say that we make hot sauce with a little bite.
We wanted to create hot sauces in the image of the 'India' we love - hot, vibrant, spicy and complex in a simple way. That's Naagin sauces in a nutshell too.
In India, Naagin is many things quite a few things - a tv show, a movie, a song, a dance, a meme, etc. Naagin also evokes a strong emotions, so regardless of the media format, it’s intrinsically Indian and a whole lot of fun.
That’s us. Naagin IS your truly Indian hot sauce.
The short answer, Yes.
India is the largest consumer and exporter of spices, yet on the global scale, while India is renowned for spicy food, we didn't have a hot sauce brand worthy of that reputation. We felt it was time someone changed that.
Naagin sauces are the first ever truly 'Indian' hot sauces brought to you by Naagin. While there were Indian companies that made hot sauce before us, nobody has ever truly made an ‘Indian hot sauce’. Our sauces are made in India, using premium handpicked Indian chillies, sourced from around the country and designed specifically for the Indian taste palate. That's as Indian as it gets.
Interesting question. Thanks for keeping things fun for us.
Naagin bloody Mary is THE hot sauce drink you want to explore if that's where you want to go. We've got a great recipe on our website - you can check it out in the Recipes section.
If that’s not your style, you could try out the Michelada - this one is more beer friendly than alcohol, but we hope that works too! The recipe for this too, is on our website. Check it out in the Recipes section.
That said, the best and most widespread use of Naagin hot sauce is surely with food.
Pre-drinking food to line your insides, intermittent snacking while drinking, and post-drinking meals to level you out - all food consumption moments can be Naagin friendly! Final comment here, if you’ve got a hangover, we hear eggs are the best food to help settle you down. Also everybody knows Naagin and eggs are a match made in breakfast heaven. Just saying.
No. We want the flavour of the hero chillies to shine through, so we use minimal amounts of citric and acetic acid as a preservative. While some other hot sauces are essentially chilli paste and vinegar in water, we wanted to give you a more wholesome 'sauce' feel and the complexity of flavours that are the hallmark of Indian food.
So our Indian hot sauces follow the beats that keeps us true to our roots - high quality, real vegetables, well rounded, ultra versatile and of course very flavourful!
The short answer, No.
Our products are not certified organic, but however, we maintain a strong commitment to ethical sourcing of chillies from our farming partners and a focus on unique flavors created the right way: our products contain no artificial colours or flavors, and no high-fructose corn syrup.
No. When we say we use 100%real ingredients, we mean it.
No. Unlike many ketchups out there, Naagin products are free of HCFS.
Crispy Chilli Oil
Heat level - Mildly Spicy>
This comes in at just a 2/10 level of spice. It's a perfect companion for people with low spice tolerance. This chilli oil comes with less heat, but strong flavours and all the punch and crunch your food will need. Each bite is infused with the savoury, slow-roasted guntur chillies and a touch of umami.
Umami is the fifth basic taste after sweet, sour, salty and bitter. It is a Japanese word which roughly translates into 'pleasant savoury taste' .
Put simply, it has a very distinct taste of savouriness, brothy and pungency. Umami has a mild but lasting aftertaste associated with salivation and stimulates the throat, the roof and the back of the mouth. The optimum umami taste depends also on the amount of salt - something we've done perfectly in our Crispy Chilli Oil if we do say so ourselves.
No. It's not. That said, almost anything taken in very large quantities isn't a good thing. The name of the game is moderation!
We're proud to say that our Crispy Chilli Oil is made with not just premium chillies but high quality real vegetables, cooking oil and a dash of spices.
While some brands use palm oil or rice bran oil, we have used premium quality sunflower oil to give you a tasty and healthy eating experience - something that works for the product and is something you will be happy to place on the dining table. Each jar of our Crispy Chilli Oil has a little more of the crunchy and spicy bits (chillies, onions and garlic) and a little less oil.
To extend taste and freshness, we suggest you store the Crispy Chilli Oil in a dry and cool place. Once opened, you will get better results for longer if refrigerated.
Refrigerate once the seal is opened and always use a clean dry spoon to scoop the chilli oil.
Each time you open the jar, air gets trapped in there. Each time you use the spoon, it might bring contaminants with it. Best practices are to always use a clean and dry spoon to serve and to seal the jar when not in use. This is to avoid contamination and keep your jar of Crispy Chilli oil fresh and tasty.